ADHD, Executive Functioning Skills, and your Child’s Brain

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder often begins in childhood and the symptoms can cause significant distress in everyday life. For children, it can be even harder to manage. To begin to understand how to help your child, we first must understand what ADHD is and what it causes.

Self-Disclosure: Client, Counselor, or Both?

Self-disclosure, a pivotal aspect of communication, encompasses the sharing of personal information, particularly prevalent in counseling sessions where clients predominantly disclose. While tradition often dictates counselor restraint from self-disclosure to maintain focus on the client, contemporary perspectives suggest that judicious sharing can enhance the therapeutic alliance, provided it serves the client’s interests and is kept concise, thus fostering a balanced and constructive counseling dynamic.

EMDR in Kansas City

Unlock the power of EMDR therapy to heal and integrate traumatic memories with this insightful guide by McKenna Elfrink, LPC. Delve into the neurobiological approach of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and understand its transformative process. From assessment to integration, learn how EMDR helps to uncouple distressing emotions, reprocess memories, and cultivate more adaptive beliefs. Discover how this empirically validated treatment targets psychological symptoms related to trauma, paving the way for improved mental and physical well-being. Whether you’re navigating anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other distressing sensations, EMDR could be the key to unlocking your healing journey.

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

Explore the Journey: Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – A Personal Reflection | March is MS Awareness Month. Join me as I share my six-year journey since diagnosis at 21. Discover the complexities of MS, the challenges of adaptation, and the emotional toll it takes. As a Mental Health Professional, I offer empathy and support. Find resources and local connections with the National MS Society Mid-America Chapter and KU Med Center’s MS Care Center. Reach out for assistance, whether newly diagnosed or a longtime warrior.

Talking to Children about Gun Violence

In the aftermath of unsettling events like those witnessed during the recent Super Bowl celebration, parents face the challenging task of discussing violence with their children. However uncomfortable, these conversations are crucial in helping children process their emotions and understand the world around them. Encouraging open dialogue, offering reassurance, and modeling healthy coping strategies can provide the support children need to navigate through difficult times with resilience and hope.

September is Deaf Awareness Month

Deaf Awareness Month offers visibility and awareness of Deaf hardships in our society,
communication needs, Deaf culture, and community. This month also gives a perspective on the
positives of deafness as well as encourages social inclusion.

The Crucial Role of Counseling for Couples

Love is a powerful force, but even the strongest bonds can encounter rough patches. This is where the expert guidance of a skilled counselor enters the scene, offering couples a lifeline to navigate their path to harmony and understanding.

So, what Exactly is EMDR?

Maybe you’ve heard about EMDR from a friend or you were recommended to do it by your therapist. You hear it’s the “gold standard for the treatment of trauma” but don’t understand how, or maybe you’re even scared to do it.


Boundaries are helpful in avoiding burnout, reducing resentment, and establishing life balance. Easy steps to help set boundaries.

Getting to Know Me – RB

My name is Rebecca. I am a Counseling Intern at Grow Psychological in Leawood, KS. 

I was raised in a suburb of Kansas City, in a Deaf family. I am a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA) and American Sign Language (ASL) was my first language. 

I graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Science and a Minor in Psychology. I am currently attending Walden University for a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and after graduation, I will receive my license as an LPC in the state of Kansas. 

My passions include anything and everything Disney, advocating and spreading awareness for those with chronic illness, and working with children and teens. I am one of few practicing counselors in the Kansas City area who provide counseling in ASL, and I am proud to be able to serve the Deaf community in this capacity. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2018. I believe this has given me significant insight into the world of chronic illness. 

As an intern, I am shaping and forming my theoretical orientation. At this time, I primarily use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) techniques in counseling. My services are offered at a significantly reduced rate of $35. 

Book a free 15-minute consultation with me today to explore what counseling may look like for you.

Meet the Author

From a young age, I have known that I wanted to help others find peace through healing. As an intern at Grow Psychological, I am putting the skills and knowledge I have built over the past few years into practice. I am fluent in American Sign Language, so my services are offered in English and ASL. I have personal experience with chronic illnesses, disabilities, children, and adults

Why Asian America and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Matters

We want to believe we hold no biases. But the truth is we hold stereotypes about others. And if we want to change that we first need to acknowledge the stories we tell ourselves about people different from us. Those from different social economic statuses. Different cultural groups. Different skin colors.

5 Coping Skills to Ease Anxiety

Anxiety can be a challenging condition to deal with, and it can make everyday life feel overwhelming. However, there are several strategies and techniques that can help manage anxiety and make it more manageable.

Newly Diagnosed with a Chronic Illness

When it all started, I was healthy. “Healthy” is a positive term, right? Who knew being an “otherwise healthy female in my early twenties” would put me at risk of something that would forever change my life.